Saturday, October 18, 2008

Mathilde's Photos

yep, I'm still on the Forum weekend. These are some of Mathilde's Photos.

that's sofie, a genuine crazy dane

Let's see, a general update, then? Nothing much has been going on. A few days ago, the three of us were invited to a Language Camp in Ilheus for a weekend. We never really wanted to go, as it was an English Language Camp, but it was in a nice looking hotel on the beach, and we had nothing else to do that weekend, so we signed up. Yesterday, however, we learned that Interact is going to volunteer at a hospital. So we made our way back to the language people and begged for a refund. It worked :)
I've been hanging out with Ella recently, too. She's a german exchange student with YFU. I can't tell you how good it is to hang out with a girl again. I love kyle and luan and (sometimes.. jk) sven like they're my brothers, but they're just that. Guys. And mature as I can get, I still need to hang out with girls, I really do. It's refreshing to be with my own kind again.
This weekend, I am intent on finishing Harry Potter 2 in Portuguese (I've been on it for.. two weeks? It's hard in another language, don't judge!), and I just bought a new journal, so I'll start on that too.
There's the update for ya. I'll write more when I have something to write about.


Nicole said...

haha. I didn't know you were reading harry potter in portugeuse! That's intense.
I love the costumes!

Anonymous said...

hey there Zoe!
I've finally read your blog :D and I must say that I really liked it! Keep on Rockin' girl!

Did you btw reach Hanna?:)