I've finally got some merchandise to my name! I have my blazer, my business cards, and my pins all ready to go.

My blazer...

... my pins...

So that's one less thing for me to worry about!
Also, a few days ago my friend Nicole and her little sister Molly and I took her puppy, Lola, to the river that runs through South Bend. Well actually at bends here. south.
Anyway we found this leaf branch brush thing on the ground, and the dog went ballistic over it. It was adorable! :)
Anyway we found this leaf branch brush thing on the ground, and the dog went ballistic over it. It was adorable! :)
So those pink flip flops are mine, the amazing camera skills are Molly's, and the dorky laugh is Nicole's :P
I signed my family up to host a spanish exchange student for the month of july. And since I'm so adored, I got to pick the student we'd take. So I picked the one who was closest to my age, and who's english needed the most help. This way I can get better in Spanish too. :) Her name's Claudia, she's from Madrid. I'm so excited to meet her! She'll be here in like.. two weeks! I must clean.
wow. and you're leaving so soon!!! omgomgomg, I'm nervous for you!! :D
oh, and I'm Hanna :DDD AND I get your mails... I've answered al of them! but, I have the feeling you ain't getting mine...:/
oh, and I LOVE this webpage, you've done a great job on it!
so, you figure out what we'll do about the mail, and I'll keep reading your posts now.. :P :D
Tsk, tsk, tsk...tormenting puppies?
Oh Lola. You crazy puppy. Isn't she an adorable puppy! I need to put that video on my blog too. I miss her like crazy right now. My big sister is taking care of her, but she just doesn't understand her craziness like I do.
I miss you!
hmm... I'm suprised you showed your address, that could be bad. Just concerned for your safety, there is alot of crazy people out there... Stay safe!
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