That friday, I went with Hellen and Kyle and Luan's family to Itacare, a beach a few hours away. It was the most beautiful beach I've ever seen in my life, the water was perfectly clear, and the sand was so white and clean that it made little squeaky sounds when you walked on it the right way. Apparently Bahia has the beaches in the whole country. oh yeah, I scored.
So that was saturday.. or no, it was sunday. Yep definitely sunday, because my family was at church all day, and Sven had to go that night and I felt bad that I couldn't be there to keep him company. well I mean as bad as I could feel, we're talking church here.
But that monday, when I went to portuguese class, Nokinha (our counselor) was there, and told us some bad news, that our portuguese teacher (forget his name, he's a university student) had to quit because teaching us portuguese was too much stress on his soul.
he said he needed to study more. right. :P
So that night instead of having class, we went to get Acai, which is this berry smoothie energy thing that's delicious but also turns your lips blue.
it's not embarrassing or anything.
And the week went downhill from the berry energy smoothie things. The whole week the FEZs didn't have class (if people don't get that reference I'll be heartbroken) because our school had exams. It resulted in me being bored and homesick all week. On the bright side, though, I knitted two scarves in four days. It's a record.
But wait, there's more! Wednesday, Nokinha informed us that Jasmine was being sent home!! Which really really really sucks. Before, it was two girls and two guys, the perfect combination of exchange student POWER. But now I'm the only girl in Rotary, a primarily male organization. I mean a few nights ago we all went to a Rotary meeting, and I looked around, and there was one woman other than me in the room. Out of maybe 40 men, one woman. Don't get me wrong, I love Rotary with all my heart and appreciate what they've given me, but I do feel awkward around so many men without any women there. So it feels really weird without Jasmine there with me.
Anyway, a bunch of us gathered at her house that night to say goodbye. Jasmine was booked on a flight the very next day out of Ilheus.
I love this picture :P
Thursday, Fatima (host mom) and I drove to the city where my Dad has been for the past month to see his project.
My host dad, David, is a physical therapist/candidate for mayor. He's building a new physical therapy center in a town about 45 minutes from Itabuna.
My host dad, David, is a physical therapist/candidate for mayor. He's building a new physical therapy center in a town about 45 minutes from Itabuna.
Disclaimer: we did not drink any of it!
sven with a parrot
I don't know what's going to happen next week. School finally starts again on Monday, that'll be a relief. Tuesday will be my one month anniversary.. it would've been Jasmine's too. :(
Nokinha was talking about going to Itacare again next weekend, too. Nothing's for certain, but that would be cool.
I don't know.
Life is starting to get boring again. It's kind of a relief, but at the same time I have this anxious feeling all the time, like I'm waiting for something and it's late. I'm starting to get impatient with my Portuguese, too, it's not perfect and I want it to be.
But that can't be the only reason that I'm so worried. I've never been perfect at Portuguese, so it's not like I'm missing something.
It's as if I should be stressed about something, but I'm not, so I'm stressed about not being stressed.
oh whatever, I'll get over it soon enough. I need to practice piano.
Nokinha was talking about going to Itacare again next weekend, too. Nothing's for certain, but that would be cool.
I don't know.
Life is starting to get boring again. It's kind of a relief, but at the same time I have this anxious feeling all the time, like I'm waiting for something and it's late. I'm starting to get impatient with my Portuguese, too, it's not perfect and I want it to be.
But that can't be the only reason that I'm so worried. I've never been perfect at Portuguese, so it's not like I'm missing something.
It's as if I should be stressed about something, but I'm not, so I'm stressed about not being stressed.
oh whatever, I'll get over it soon enough. I need to practice piano.
zoeeeeeee! I have read all your page, right are u the only girl in rotary?? but .. are you going to school with the other brazilian students..or with the brazilian people that go to that school¿ I don´t understand that..
and.. why one friend of you have to go to her country??
answer mee in facebook or email please..jaja I like read your pages but sometimes I don´t understand some thingss, and are interestings!
love claudia
Ei Zoee! :D
Vc colocou a foto em que eu não estou na despedida de Jasmine! :(
Eu não apareço em nenhuma foto... EU QUERO UMA FOTO MINHA AQUI! o/
Que chato que vc já está começando a ficar com tédio... =\ Mas tudo vai ficar bem, vc vai ver! :D
Wow. That is some interesting artwork!
Why did Jasmine have to go home? That sucks!
Love ya
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