and second, we got a new portuguese teacher! I liked our old one, too, but I wasn't learning much :/ and the new teacher seems like he might.. teach. go figure.
Well, I'll start on Tuesday, because nothing happened on Monday.
After I wrote the last entry, I met Sven at the Centro Cultural and there we waited for Kyle and Nokinha.
We sat in on a Judo Jitsu Samurai kinda thing (Sven takes Judo in germany- if he finds out I didn't remember the name of this class we saw, he'd be pissed). It was interesting, but I definitely don't want to do it. It's not even Brazilian... so I'm not going.. ever again..
It was actually pretty fun to watch. The teacher (or, sifu??) taught the students a new technique, and spent the rest of the class using it against them.
After watching one guy getting paid to beat up a bunch of kids, we went to Nokinha's apartment. Kyle's going to live there, so he was happy to see it. He lives on a really high floor of the building.
Wednesday I walked to Kyle's house and hung out there, we wanted to watch Good Will Hunting with Matt Damon (it's on the list, people, check it out), but we ended up watching The Kingdom with Jennifer Garner. It was alright. Not good enough for the list.
That night when Hellen's mom came home, I approached her and gave her the mini speech that I had been practicing for a solid five minutes in my head on the way there. I had been daydreaming about living with this family ever since I saw how freakin awesome they are, and I got the courage to ask Nokinha about it on Tuesday. And to my surprise, he said it was no problem with him! All I had to do was convince the family.. I was so nervous to ask them, but they said that fine, they'll put up with me for a few months.
I'm so happy, my best friends are going to be my siblings :)
And today.. nothing's happening either. I'm having the worst cramps, so I think I'll stay in and watch CNN...? maybe?
aww don't judge. What are you doing today? huh? studying? working? Yeah, I know you are. in your face.
just kidding, I love you all! :)
By the way, feel free to write any comments or questions you have below, and one of these days I'll get around to answering them!
1 comment:
Haha. I love that video!
You will never escape the hippie name. It will follow you to your grave.
I really miss you girly.
Love ya
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