Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Rotary Conference

About two weeks ago, I met up with Ashley, another exchange student with me from Rotary, who's going to Denmark next year. It's really exciting talking to Ashley, since I used to live in Denmark. She's going to a city way up north, and I was living in a town pretty far south (Southern Denmark: oxymoron of the year), but it's all the same Denmark. She's so cute: "it can't be that cold there, right?"
She drove the 30 minutes from Elkhart to South Bend and parked her truck in my driveway, and we set off to a resort in Plymouth, Indiana for a weekend conference of the Rotary club of northern Indiana. Arrival time was between 1o and Noon, and by arriving at 11, Ashley and I thought we would be the first ones there. But, in fact, we were the last. The youth exchange director was mad..
Basically the whole weekend consisted of putting on our stylish blazers (mine, plus the matching pants, was 2 dollars at a local thrift store), donning our name tags, and heading down to the main hall. We ate breakfast lunch and dinner there, and to get us out and involved in the community, only two students were allowed at a table. So the first meal, Ashley and I were joined at the table by two old men who kept trying to get us to eat pie. That was weird.
But in the second meal, I was joined by the nicest couple, who had recently been to Copenhagen! I love it when people have been where I've been :) They even invited me back to their district to talk about youth exchange when I'm back from my exchange year.
I know that was all very boring, but the entire weekend, in between meals, the exchange students and me and Ashley spent time watching movies and taking TONS of pictures. These exchange students love their cameras.
These photos are from what I could get from facebook alone:

Me, Juan, Emeline, and Stephen in the cabin

Ana, Kathi, Norka, Emeline, Ashley, Me, Stephen, and Juan at lunch. For our last supper, they let us stay together. :)

Me beating Stephen in tennis!

All of us with Angie (I don't know why she wasn't in the lunch picture) and MISS INDIANA!
She sang a pop song in Spanish, but she was totally lip syncing. We could tell.

Global Friendship!

My jaws are tired after so much smiling.
Ashley brags about how strong her jaws are.

Don't you hate it when you're in the front row, so when everyone decides to do something crazy, you're never in on it? But you're short, so you have to be in the front row, so this way you look like a 'normal' person who doesn't know how to be crazy in a photo.
If only they'd give me a chance..

I'm the one with my eyes open.
I didn't really get that part either.

Here I am, unaware of the photo being taken right in front of me, and looking up, stoned, at the TV.
this here is proof that I'm not the type of person who only puts photos on the net because I'm vain, right?

In this scene, Zoe notices the camera that has been present for so many minutes, and to make up for her mistake, buries Stephen in a blanket.
Stephen, feeling threatened, remains hidden.

Fool, no one poses like this for them.


1 comment:

Nicole said...

those are the cutest pictures! i love the jumpy one.