Thursday, August 14, 2008

shit shit shit shit shit

Not appropriate.. sorry..
Anyway I made this video para mis amigos and I'm posting it!

One thing I've been wanting to say is that my friends have been AMAZINGLY supportive about my exchange year.
In seventh grade, when I told my friends that I was going away for a year, most of them were supportive about it. But there was one kid, who at the time was one of my best friends, who wasn't. He begged me to stay behind. Every day for most of seventh grade, he reminded me of the great times we had, the jokes we shared, the wonderful friendship I could never replace. But by telling me these things, he implied that by leaving, I was giving it all up. It was actually much more complicated than that, and it's a lot of explanation, but don't worry about it kids, ok? :P (we'll see if anyone gets that.*)
Anyway, I didn't have a choice but to leave. And when I left for Denmark, I tried my best to keep in touch with my friends back home. But every time something went wrong, or something was less than perfect, that nagging voice of my best friend at home came back, reminding me that I had given up everything I had with him, for this, something less than perfect.
And because of that constant nagging in my head, I became so depressed that I lost almost all of the friends I had.
And it was all because my supposed best friend begged me to stay behind. I don't blame everything on my friend, but I believe that if he had been more supportive, I would have been stronger. But my friends now remind me every day that while they'll miss me, they can't wait to hear about my exchange, my family, my school, and my new friends. And instead of reminiscing on the good times we had, they daydream about the things we'll do when I return. They're so supportive, and I'm really thankful for it :)

*references that no one understands, NICOLE!

I dropped my cell phone in a swimming pool, if you want to call it that, and all my contacts were erased! My number is still the same, so please text me and say who you are, and I can add you again!
seriously, do it.


Josh said...

I hope your trip will be as amazing as you are!! Good Luck....

Anonymous said...

I love your video!!! Its so nice!
thank you for put me in there :)claudia

Nicole said...

Lol. Best movie ever! I miss you!
I'll be on skype on Sunday, Monday definitely.
Love ya!